Can’t see the forest for the trees???
If you don’t believe me.
Believe this, someone from Audiocircle who tried by-passing a quality cap in the single path (also known as a coupling cap) to see what he got, and there’s many more articles to read about it on the net if you bother to search, and a well known one it by Doug Self in his book.
Currently I have 1 uF Clarity MR caps, bypassed with .01 Jupiter Copper Foils (into 100000 ohm impedance), I added the Jupiter bypass as an experiment to see if the more expensive caps make a difference, and they do.
So now I have to decide what way to go forward, I have a strong belief that bypassing coupling caps is a bad idea, as the two capacitors will have a time difference, and so signal passing through one cap will be phase differentiated from signal passing through the other cap, right?
Therefore: perhaps it is better to have a single high quality cap at 1 uF and no bypass at all? Is 1 uF really big enough (into 100000 ohms) or do I really need a bigger cap to be sure deep bass remains in phase?
(1uf into 100kohms (100,000ohms) is fine as it’s -3db at 1.5hz)
Like I said some just don’t want to believe, they just want to believe their own dreams and don’t want them shattered or take anything in that questions it.
Cheers George