Octave V70SE vs Qualiton X200

Anyone experience comparing both amps? Currently have the Qualiton X200 on audition and really very impressed. The Octave has gotten really good reviews as well, but from what I’ve read it’s pretty neutral sounding. I’m looking for a warmer sound but still resolving which is why I chose to demo the X200 first. It hasn’t disappointed thus far. Pricing is close, Octave is a bit more but not far away from the X200. This is subjective but looks wise I prefer the X200. Reminds me of my Dads old Hifi setup. Thanks in advance.
@chipcalzone -- I know you directed your question at Jerry, but I thought I'd share my 2 cents anyways :)

I had compared both a50i and x200, but not at the same time unfortunately. I preferred the a50i by a wide margin. IMO, it has more clarity, refinement and slightly more holographic imaging. The X200 offers more features for sure, but in case of a50i all the cost goes towards higher quality parts and design. The one thing that I love most about this amp is the soundstage depth. It's the first time in my system that I can hear sound coming from a few feet behind the front wall. I've owned Audio Research GSi75, VAC Sigma 160i SE, Raven Audio Blackhawk, and Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II prior to the a50i, and there is simply no comparison. This amp is that much better. The only thing you'll miss is the bass slam of SS, but that's true for most tube amps. However, the bass you get with the a50i is somehow more nuanced and satisfying. I'm currently borrowing a VTL I-85 (EL34 but 60 watts) from a friend for my second system. Amazing amp but not as refined and holographic as the a50i.

I suggest you contact Well Pleased A/V who is a dealer for Audio Hungary. They are good people and will give you honest advice.
@arafiq 2 cents are always welcome. Unfortunately, the dealer only has the X200, phono, and the step-up transformers on hand. It is unclear if he’ll be bringing in the A50i in the future, appreciate your input though. Later on down the road if I ever change to slightly more efficient speakers will look into the A50i.
@chipcalzone Maybe reach-out to Atelier 13 in Nashville , Constantin also carries the line ; and I've found him to be knowledgeable and reputable

@chpcalzone. No I did not compare the a50i to the X200 and I had a friends a20i here with the X200.

The x200 was the better fit with my speakers (have several sets) and most are easy to drive and the x200 gave me "holographic" "sound stage depth" and all the other cliches. So really it will come down to personal preference and the supporting cast of sources in your chain. I see that @arafiq is mostly a streaming and I am mostly (95%) vinyl spinning.

Call Constantin in Nashville he is a standup guy and will shoot your straight. He has sent me all kind of gear to demo.

@ chipcalzone Just an FYI any Qualiton amps not in stock will be subject to a $1000.00 price increase....rumors have it? So X200 if has to be ordered MSRP will be $7500.00 ???