Telling musicians to evaluate and choose their instruments in a “scientific” way?

How do you think this would go over?

“This mass produced guitar measures the same as your vintage Martin on my oscilloscope, so any difference you hear is just expectation bias.” “You need to do a double blind test to prove there’s a difference!” “Rosewood is rosewood, there’s no difference between this Brazilian that’s been seasoned for 20 years and that Indonesian that came off the boat a month ago, you’re being taken in!”

Oh my. This will rattle some feathers at ASR.   I am always amazed when they claim one DAC sounds the same as any other with equal measurements.
Making great musical instruments involves all kinds of “art”, all kinds of things things that can only be measured by (experienced) ears. The same goes for making great music. Making great “instruments” to reproduce this music in our homes is totally “scientific”, measurable and quantifiable, though🙄 No need to use our ears.