Analyzing Balanced versus Unbalanced Amplifiers--Difference in sonic quality?

I recently purchased a new Technics SU-G700 integrated amp to drive a pair of Focal 826's or B & W 603 S2 Anniversaries. The amp produces 70 wpc at 8 ohms and 140 wpc at 4 ohms. As a digital amplifier with gobs of technology in it and having a couple of Class A/B amps (Mcintosh MA5300 and MA 162), I wanted to see what the new Technics high-end products touting new technology were all about. What Technics did here was create an LAPC circuit that tests and monitors speaker output via a computer chip versus balanced sound. According to Audio Advice, this circuit does more for the sound than a balanced presentation.
I find this unit to be quiet fast and clear on all phases of the music stage. I'd like to hear from the FOrum members in reference to this (esoteric) rarely discussed topics.
You got some terminology issues with your post. Not sure what you are trying to say but if I can take a guess, you are talking about signal processing. My experience has shown that signal processing as a general rule doesn't always work on a broad scale. Where as individual signal correction may work in some cases.
Marco, I think you should provide a link to a Technics explanation of how it functions.

I wanted to see what the new Technics high-end products touting new technology were all about. What Technics did here was create an LAPC circuit that tests and monitors speaker output via a computer chip versus balanced sound. According to Audio Advice, this circuit does more for the sound than a balanced presentation.
@mervo  Generally speaking, the term 'balanced' refers to 'balanced line operation' which is a kind of interconnect cable using XLR connectors rather than RCA connectors (which are referred to as 'single-ended' as opposed to 'balanced').

You are using the term in a different manner here, which is making the inquiry difficult to interpret.

In high end audio implementation is everything, the design, the exact components used (manufacturer and type of resistors, capacitors… etc). Playing with the signal digitally is virtually always a bad thing. Really good equipment doesn’t touch the analog signal. While digital manipulation is getting better… good sound virtually always comes from applying the “short wire” principle of keep things simple and short, no tone controls, no equalizers. So the balanced vs unbalanced comparison  depends on who is designing and implementing it. Who and how  makes a much bigger difference than single versus balanced. It does make sense to talk about this when all other components and layout exactly the same… but that doesn’t really happen in the real world of audio products.