Best Integrated that you've heard under $5k

It's a crowded market in the under $5k arena...

Let's hear which integrated amp surprised you and maybe even had you shaking your head in disbelief. 

Watch the first response be, 'no $5k integrated is that good' blah blah blah. You know how it is, lot of old fogeys on here that are done censoring themselves and take it out on the thread.

Also, if I've missed the cutoff and there's just this $6k or $7k amp that is worth consideration, feel free to mention.
uh boy....

Here we go...the ol "what's best..."
I use a polarizing Chinese brand-nuff said. 

Let's see how the thread stays on track.

you didn't specify SS or tubes?

My mention is tube. Don't forget the lead times if you go USA. Good luck
Can be anything, doesn’t matter if it’s 2 watts or 200, obviously there a synergy thing but it’s always interesting when something surprises us that we didn’t see coming. The reviewers can only disclose so much if they want to keep doing it.