How Do You Learn?

After 5 years back into this HiFi pursuit I realize I may need to reassess
where I spend time finding new information.

So I ask you to please list 'just one' source you consider to be
most important in keeping you well informed of goings on in

I look forward to reading some carefully considered replies.

Don’t mess with mahgister and his acoustic POWERFUL methods. Cardinal rule.

I also could not resist

Great point!

Remember though that it is very important to create a balance between the marketing publicity and the conditioned urge to upgrade like sheep behind the audio magazine and sound science...

Acoustic embeddings controls is not publicity...

Embed everything right bbefore upgrading.... Is a cardinal rule....Thanks for this good choice of word.....

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even my great and legendary Sensei Chihiro Nakao has himself a sensei….

i find those consciously without,  are mostly on an ego trip….sail on….
even my great and legendary Sensei Chihiro Nakao has himself a sensei….

i find those consciously without,  are mostly on an ego trip….sail on….
 The faculty to admire is linked to our capacity to higher perception of phenomenon and values...

It humble ourself and put us at work...

 Thanks for this great reminder tomic60.....
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