Best Integrated that you've heard under $5k

It's a crowded market in the under $5k arena...

Let's hear which integrated amp surprised you and maybe even had you shaking your head in disbelief. 

Watch the first response be, 'no $5k integrated is that good' blah blah blah. You know how it is, lot of old fogeys on here that are done censoring themselves and take it out on the thread.

Also, if I've missed the cutoff and there's just this $6k or $7k amp that is worth consideration, feel free to mention.
I should have added the CODA CSiB integrated that I sold and bought the CODA separates. The CSiB is an excellent sounding piece.

The KRELL K-300i I linked above is smoother (Class A first 90 watts) and is being compared favorably to $13450 Boulder and $40K D’Agastino on Stereophile. I put mine up for sale last week to raise some cash for another upgrade and then came to my senses. I removed the ad.
I think Musical Fidelity makes incredible sounding stuff...I had an m5si and kind of bummed I sold it. Muscular, meaty sound but stays delicate enough on the highs.
Would love to hear some of their higher-end stuff...
Tubes, Quicksilver Integrated, Raven Audio Blackhawk, Pathos Logos MKII and Pathos Classic Re-Mix In Pol. (Pathos are Hybrid)

SS, Simaudio 204I and 340i, Belles Aria, AVA DVA M225's (AMAZING). Had an NAD M10 that was fun also.

Now spend a bit more $6500 to $7500 (now) the Audio Hungary Qualiton X200.

Simaudio has some good integrated that shocked me when I learned their price.

Rega has some nice integrated as well.

And NAD was my first integrated and that brought me years of enjoyment.
I really like Simaudio gear also.  They are pretty expensive and I would have a hard time paying their MSRP, but I was able to pick up a 600i for well under your budget.  I've compared it to integrateds from Heed, ARC, Vincent, and Peachtree and it's better than any of them.  I also have a Simaudio headphone amp and it's the best I've heard after owning a number of different headphone amps. 

There's always something better, and "better" is always a matter of taste (unless you're one of those ASR guys), but if you can find a pre-owned Simaudio integrated in your price range I think most people would find it very enjoyable.