Agreed, everything is important. Sound fidelity (like a chain) is only as good as it weakest component.
Nice try. Freebie rubber power cords are absolute crap. If I swap out my Moneoone Supernova for freebie rubber crap it is obvious. But it doesn't bring my whole system down to that level. It is worse, obviously worse, but still much better overall than "its weakest link."
A system is the sum of its parts. The weakest link may be the smartest place to look for improvement. But it is not what determines system performance.
The best table and tone arm has no chance against a marginal cartridge.The opposite of what many of us have said. Based on experience. The best table and tone arm will make a marginal cartridge sound incredibly good. The best cartridge on a marginal table and arm will only let you hear very clearly all the faults that made them marginal in the first place.