Supply chain affecting anyone?

Just found out from my dealer that my Sonus Faber speakers won’t deliver until early January (ordered in early October). For reference, he says it normally takes 2-3 weeks. 
Yes, demand is also unusually high. A double whammy.

Worse for products made overseas as they also have logistics nightmares getting their wares to the US. A triple whammy.

With that said, US made Legacy speakers, for example, are currently backordered 12 weeks; no logistics or supply issues, purely demand.
I haven't made any overseas purchases of audio equipment  and don't plan on either. 
Our ductless heat pump has been out of action since the middle of August, while we wait for a new PC board, normally a stock item, two days away. And once again, Costco has no tp.
It is effecting everyone, in more ways than one.
Empty Shelves, Higher Prices, and it only going to get worse.