Supply chain affecting anyone?

Just found out from my dealer that my Sonus Faber speakers won’t deliver until early January (ordered in early October). For reference, he says it normally takes 2-3 weeks. 
The only person I know that is unaffected is my sister because she don’ buy nothin’ nohow.
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This is my first HiFi purchase ever, so that means I will be listening to holiday music on subpar in-wall speakers powered by my low-end Denon receiver until my parcels arrive (also waiting on integrated amp and cables).  The tragedy!
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Yep.  My new Sound Labs were due in late September.  I'm now hoping for an early November shipment.  Not sure how much is related to supply chain, though.
Yes, demand is also unusually high. A double whammy.

Worse for products made overseas as they also have logistics nightmares getting their wares to the US. A triple whammy.

With that said, US made Legacy speakers, for example, are currently backordered 12 weeks; no logistics or supply issues, purely demand.
I haven't made any overseas purchases of audio equipment  and don't plan on either. 
Our ductless heat pump has been out of action since the middle of August, while we wait for a new PC board, normally a stock item, two days away. And once again, Costco has no tp.
It is effecting everyone, in more ways than one.
Empty Shelves, Higher Prices, and it only going to get worse.

I am retired without any debt then i am lucky...

I retired in may 2019 just before the beginning of the "events" in december 2019... Let say that i just see them happening...An economical crisis , perhaps war, (plague i have not predicted it not being a psychic).

I am lucky i begin retirement when we are all advised to be locked out politely at the beginning of this fever of  fear which have blinded us now with mandates...

This economic crisis is between a fallen empire and a new empire, between a notion of money and some others notion... Stagflation is inevitable....Robotisation of works and minds speed up so greatly i am astounded being old and accustomed to a complete other world than the world we live in now...I am not alone many fols here are of the same generation...

The real war now is not so much between China and US, than between technogical idolatry of corporate interests and humanity...

Now for the matter of this thread:

I just bought an ebike this summer just in time before lack of pieces and delay in the supply chain would hit this type of toy...Next year i doubt to be able to buy one like the cheap price i paid for (1600 bucks)...

I broke the stand feet of the bike and the seller say: no replacement piece because of delay or whatever....

I am 70 years old and i feel pity for young people...

I realized my dream of Hi-Fi at no cost in the last 2 years....

Now i am behind a screen reading news that may awake us, but it seems people sleep by choices, by fear, by drugs, by lies, and crushed by their own weight...

I apologize ... I just realize most of my post made no meaning in this thread... But i will not erase it...I like communication between people....Truth cannot be erased anyway only put under the blanket...But our blanket will be only dust tomorrow...

yes of course…. I led teams that built things with 4 million parts, supply chain issues always a reality…

sometimes a black art, but always an art…
High demand? Containers remain on the dock with insufficient help to load them on the few tractor trailers? Lack of truck drivers to move the stuff to the stores for their shelves. Cargo ships wait out at sea because they can’t get off loaded. Everywhere you go there are help wanted signs. Southwest airlines cancelled over 1000 flights because of pilot shortage and the vaccine mandate. Now they have relented. But the vaccine mandate may be the final straw to break the fragile on time shipping/stocking system. Then too, they have spent 1 1/2 yrs scaring the crap out of people with the flu which has a 99.5 % recovery rate. This hasn’t helped either. But because this is negative news, they roll out the "unusual high demand" idea in hopes that people will buy into it. I don’t.
As to how it has effected my audio, I was planning to send my JLTi phono preamp down to Australia for an upgrade. But now, I’m not sure it is a good idea due to everything being at a crawl now. On a positive note, I could sell my 2018 Silverado pickup for the price I paid for it. But IF hyperinflation hits like it did in Venezuela , the $$$ will be worth less than the pickup. I hope @mahgister (& I) are wrong about the future
Yep for sure. Was wanting to get a Schiit Jot 2 to use as a pre amp and HP amp. Didn’t want to wait 6-8 weeks so went with an RME dac instead since it was available. Hopefully it’s a good second option. 
I make jokes, but this,I believe,is much more serious than the media is letting on. In this world,we have to take as many snapshots as possible to try and see the big picture.  I can feel something deep and dark lurking.  I pray to the Lord that I am wrong.  

I am a management consultant focused in supply chain and operations.  I've had a lot less time to spend at home listening to tunes since last fall!

I decided to upgrade and ordered some units from Moon by Simaudio (in Canada) and was surprised they quoted 1 week lead-time.  I expected some challenges because there's a bunch of factors impacting many companies

  • labor/driver shortages
  • container shortages
  • backup on the ports
  • commodity shortages/inflation
  • crop shortages/inflation
Humans are flexible and there will be adaption.  And the golden rule applies - he who has the gold can make the rules.  I expect the supply chain issues to last at least until next spring/summer.

I don't know if there will be a reset in power from owners and equity holders to workers; I expect changes based on cost and lead-time.

Demand patterns have changed and companies not increasing the planning frequency could have disastrous consequences
I purchased 6 GIK panels over a month ago and I was informed it will be another 3 weeks. We’ll see in 3 weeks.
Bricasti is one U.S made company that has had everything 
available and within 2 weeks shipped and great company to work 
with, another one I bought from this year was also a  U.S company
Coda and it was 3-4 weeks . Wireworld U.S company no problem .
the MBL speakersI want are a train wreck 4-6 months  back order
on some models . I will just,  wait a year I rebuilt the Xovers in 
2 of my speakers, and a couple friends For a  nice upgrade and keep me busy .
Ordered a musical fidelity amp end of june. Still waiting for it.  My alternative was a hegel, which apparently is more available but still not really shipping.

And I haven't even tried to get a new mountain bike because that is hopeless.
I ordered a Brinkmann Nyquist from Germany and had it in my house (California) in just over three weeks.
Another Covid related supply chain victim. I lost $1500 ordering a weight rack, they’re going out of business.
I just ordered a pair of Tekton 2-10 Subs on 10/13 . There is a 10 to 12 week wait but Tammy put me on hold for a minute came back said 4 to 6 weeks ! Sold
 Also bought a new dual fuel generator from the depot on 10/15 promised by the 20th actually came on 18th ? 

I'm waiting on some generic gear I ordered from China in July.  It may or may not have something to do with the CCP's current policy about anything and everything to do with the country in which I am domiciled.

Humans are flexible and there will be adaption. And the golden rule applies - he who has the gold can make the rules.

This is true.  However I find that increasingly it is the bureaucrats with their white boards and regulations who are making the rules, not the market with its price mechanism and human ingenuity.
I have been waiting since May for REVEL SALON 2...originally told end of Sept, now HOPING end of November
Folk in East Germany who wanted to buy a car were put on a waiting list.  Maybe ten years later they might take delivery of a brand new 500cc 2 stroke Trabant, with a body made predominately from recycled material.

We're not quite there yet.
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Same here. Ordered Rockport Avior ii two weeks ago. January delivery. But the Boulder 866 to go with them is supposed to be here next month! 😃. 
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@artemus_5  my dealer was up 300% in 2020, so yes demand is indeed higher than average.  It’s fair to be concerned about the future but you’re making connections that simply aren’t true.  
I repair medical equipment,  sourced from everywhere in the world and most vendors are backordered until February or April.   Parts are a problem,  existing stock is gone and no telling when those shelves will be stocked again.   Six month wait for some parts ....its bad
I’m updating my music room to set up the audio system i had in college. I need a new audio rack, some cables, etc. I’m shopping on-line and only looking at items that say ’in stock’ before I purchase.
On another note, the car lots are incredibly empty now. I had my car serviced last week and the Honda dealership’s lot had about 12 cars. Really sad.
I'm lucky in that my system is pretty much set, although I did order some Psvane tubes last week, still waiting on shipping date.

The one thing I don't hear anyone anywhere talking about is demographics. Did they forget about the baby boom generation, yes, they are working in retirement in larger percentages than previous generations, still much lost productivity. And then, these retired people have more disposable income than past retired generations, thus, demand remains relatively high. Forget about unemployment stats, look at workforce participation stats!
On top of this we have many privileged in younger generation, increased family wealth distributed to children means more likely they can pick and choose what work to take on. Anecdotally, I have many nieces, nephews, and now great nieces, nephews and their friends in this position.

So these are a couple factors in high demand. On supply side, US trade deficits continue to grow, we're a demand country with no real control over supply. The pandemic obviously has had great affect on supply, shut down plants, but they've had time to rebuild supply. China is even beginning to have supply demand issues, many Chinese are now in middle class, no longer want factory work, many factories lacking workers. China also suffering from the one child mandate, their demographic issues somewhat like here.
And I haven't even touched on increased demand from other countries. We now live in world with increasing demand countries and increasingly scarce supply countries. Funny, this is an inevitable outcome of a maturing worldwide capitalist system, lots of wealth built over many decades that allows people/countries to eliminate many elements of productive activity, that productive element goes to rapidly developing countries with much productive hunger, and then they mature and become more like the more mature capitalist countries. Barring racism, Africa may have to become the new suppliers to world. Suppliers to the world ain't coming from the demand countries anytime soon.

Hard to see a new paradigm in near future, I'd expect some lessening of present circumstance in near term, but I'd say get used to new world in longer run. We've been spoiled with nearly unbelievable supply chains in recent decades, the geniuses who run the machine always fail to take the long term view.
And then I could touch upon the earth's capacity to support this population and it's geographic distribution.

@mtbiker29One dealer does not make a supply chain. To believe that all the shortages of labor and parts has no effect on the supply chain is wrong
 Ridiculously wrong. Go ahead and believe fake news if you like. Just because they won't show it doesn't mean it isn't happening.. it is. 
My Roon Nucleus took about 3 weeks to deliver.  My McIntosh integrated is taking a couple of months (was told up front, ~8 weeks from order).  And now the speakers in January, which is ~3.5 months from when I placed the order (assuming they arrive on time).
What a lot of us are missing is it is not just supply chain and logistics but labor also.
Demand is high for skilled and unskilled labor globally and the labor pools are quite shallow.
In countries throughout Europe and Asia many are just staying home because of the fear of COVID19 and it's variants.

Labor demographic in China and America is a good point...

Restriction caused by pandemics and especially by the stupidest health politic of all times in history across more of  the rich countries..

Economic traditional war means and methods between China and America and the rest of the world...

Robotisation and the coming stagflation will add something...

But the "third" world war has already begun and it is not one nation against another one so much like in the past, it is a war in the cyber space of one against all others .... All our vital links are in network: water, alimentation etc NOT only  sensible information...

A.I. and all bio technology are more  an arm race than an economical race now more than ever...

Then i am not optimist....

Technology controlled by cporporations without heart is called completely wrongly "science" by most, but here the religious cultist are ritght: it is autodestruction...

Sciences is not knowledge, and "science" is not technology....Awakening of humanity is no more a wish or a dream but a fact now and a necessity....It is the only optimistic point....
Labor shortages could be alleviated by immigrant labor supply, doubt that'll happen much anywhere. Look at Great Britain, brexit brought about truck driver shortages, only made it more difficult for immigrant labor. Seems to me someone needs to work and pay taxes.

And this is not simply a pandemic related issue, the pandemic only accelerated a long term trend.
Seems to me someone needs to work and pay taxes.
We are no more in this kind of "normalcy" sorry....And it is not the way this "world" work at all anymore for decades now....

Debt, work, taxes, prices,etc all that is based on a notion of what "values" and "money" and "supplies" are in relation to one another... This relation is completely broken or in bad hands control...

This is an amazing view from our chair to each one of us: the world change more in 2 years that in 50 or hundred years in the past century... the world has lived more change visible or not yet visible for us than in the last millenium cumulated years...

Only one exemple: technology evolution laws are an evolution now completely out of the human hand... WHY ? Because we put human values BEHIND power...
We are all any one of us placed between the false choice of Ray Kurzweil idea about life OR an Amish way of life....Why?

A supply chain is NOT a supply chain only , it is a playground between power and value...It is not first a technology but an ethical and moral imagination more than anything else... We forgot it , we die....

«Changes in the body are so swift it is a cadaveric body snowball chain or a complete metamorphosis of the larva»- Anonymus Smith

«Why not two of a good thing?»-Groucho Marx 🤓
It’s not just parts & electronics….two local supermarkets have not had Boars Head cold cuts for months on end due to “supply chain issues”, just the crappy store brands.   Certain store isles are almost always half empty now.   Makes you wonder how persistent the issue is and whether it’ll get worse before it gets better.  
…oh, and I forgot—ammunition.   Few days ago I tried my normal online outlets for ammunition, everything from large chains (Cabellas) to small online-only suppliers.   What I needed was NOwhere to be found.   And I looked everywhere.   Best u can hope for is an email heads-up when/if it goes off of backorder.    
Nothing could compete for lack of water....

I forget to mention climate changing conditions are also a growing factor....
My Safety Inspection for my motorcycle was due end July 2021.  Suspecting this "supply" issue, I went to Harley in the middle of June for a Pre Inspection.  Needed tires and other little items.  They did not have my tires in stock and would order them.  July came.  I get a call telling me that their supplier was out of stock also.  They checked with other dealers to no avail.   Finally early September I get a call. They found and received my tires and scheduled for the work to be done.  Two months and $1200.00, done.

I have dealt with supply issues before.  Manufactures sometimes would go out of stock of a certain high failure circuit boards and parts.  We began fixing the broken circuit boards and modifying other parts to work thru this shortage.  It was more work and expense for us but we got the machines up and running again.

Lesson to be learned here.  If there is something you cannot live without, find a way to supply yourself with it.
Water.  Learn to distill you own water.  I know.  Easy for me to say.  I live on the Pacific Basin.
Food.   Learn how to grow, hunt, fish...
Someone mentioned Ammunition.  My dad was a target shooter.  He shot 22, 38 and 45.   He put together his own 38 and 45 rounds.  Joking about the Apocalypse that was coming
Electricity for our stereo systems.  Get on with Solar.
However, there are some that will be hard to self produce.  Gasoline for my car, motorcycle, generator... That's s tough one.  But if it is super important to me, Diesel/Bio-Diesel.  I didn't mention my dad's 22 cal.  They are "Rim Fired".  Those had to be purchased.  But he stocked a bunch.  My dad and all of that is gone now so I can talk about it.

Honestly.  There are more important "supply" items one needs than Stereo. 
Stock up on essentials folks.  Waiting for audio items is going to be the least of our problems. 
I don’t know if anyone needs a great phono stage. I spoke with Ron at Sutherland Engineering about supply issues. He has product going out. Sutherland has phono stages starting at $900 for the KC Vibe and all the way up. Due to a trickle down effect you get a lot sound for your buck.  If you are in the Chicagoland area this store lets you demo in your home before you buy.
My recommendation if you are running a low output MC cart is either the TZ Vibe or the Little LOCO. Super quiet, great for listening at all levels even at low volumes which is difficult for most phono stages, and really big sound stage while keeping its composure. All of these great attributes starting at $1400. Best off all they are shipping.