Boy, Oh Boy! Towshend!

OK, I have elevated my belief in isolation.  For the first time I feel I have entered the Hi Fidelity zone.  About 3 weeks ago I purchased the Townshend Speaker Bars.  My muddy bass cleaned up, I have better imaging, clarity, precision, speed and focus.  My buddy who is not not into HiFi but has followed my adventures, was blown away.  He said, "OK, now I get why you do this."  Best money spent! 

Denon DL160 (re-tipped by Soundsmith) > Thorens TD150 > McIntosh 8900 > ALK Extreme Slope in Klipsch Belles.  Just another step in the long journey, but a Giant Step for my enjoyment.  My system took a large enough step forward that I am drawn into listening to all of my 2K plus albums again just to enjoy them in a new way. Great people to deal with too, even with Brexit messing things up.  Highly recommended!
I am not associated with them in any way, just want to pass it on.
I don’t have First Circle. Not sure why I never heard much about it. Sounds like you’d recommend I get that before Side eye NYC. Now let’s see how hard it is to find it on new vinyl.
I bought the Seismic Bars in 2015 when they first came out, I was unhappy with the supplied plinth that Tannoy provided with my speakers that I bought in 2014, the dealer that sold me the Tannoy speakers did not understand how or why the Townshend bars could be better than Tannoy’s own supplied plinth, so I invited him round to my home and we swapped between the two plinths/bars multiple times, he could not understand how much better the sound was, he fed this back to Tannoy, who probably ignored it :-(

A few years later I was given the opportunity to try the Podium version, but I could not detect anything too much different in SQ between the podium ( more expensive ) and the bars ( cheaper) , so I kept the bars and am still very very happy with them :-)

My floorstander speakers are Tannoy Precision 6.4’s and weigh 22kg, so my bars are Size 1, and they sit on a concrete ground floor in my lounge TV room that measures 6m x 6m

My centre speaker - a Precision 6c sits on a strip of black sorbothane, and is only used for 5.1 movies, I thought about using some Size 2 bars under it, but I resisted because the centre speaker sits on top of a fairly substantial sideboard, that houses the amp and oppo player, so I convinced myself that it would not really help all that much !

My Tannoy speakers really punch well above their weight, and for what I paid for them, they sound twice as good as they probably should, all thanks to the Townshend bars.

Agreed!  Still loving my bars under my Belle Klipsch and Nobsound under my Turntable. Maybe time to step up that game as well as under my integrated.

I have now bought some bars for my centre speaker, so cannot wait to re listen to all my Living Sound SACD's ( which are three channel masterpieces)  - well most of them anyway, there are a few that are not my taste

fingers crossed it will be a nice treat with the darker winter evenings closing in !



sorry audio guy but that's doing nothing you're still getting vibrations coming up through the floor into your speakers again until you isolate them properly you're still going to get some that's muddied up once you try to podiums you'll see the difference but if you don't have the money or you're too cheap just say so.

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