Koetsu Rosewood Vs Rosewood Signature Vs HANA UMAMI RED advice please

I ended up buying an Acoustic Signature Typhoon, with a 11" Kuzma 4Point. Now the question is which cartridge I get.
I have a Hana E and M in my current VPI and really like them, but I looking forward to test something else. I like detail without much in your face(?), soundstage and some hint of warmth. 

I saved $4K for a cartridge and I am getting 25% off on any cartridge I want, and do not need to spend the $4k.

I am open to other brands, except Sound Smith which I had in my Bergmann Galder and did not like at all.

My system for the Typhoon is composed of
Tannoy Kensington
Pathos Heritage, or Primaluna 300
Manley Labs Steelhead 
all powered with a PS powerplant.
Thank you
"how do you like the turntable? I visited the factory and it is amazing."

"@astolfor - It sure looks good! However, I haven't heard it yet since I've been waiting weeks for the tonearm to arrive. It's now due to arrive Monday. Then I have to get the cartridge mounted. I'm probably looking at least until the end of next week before I can listen.

Post removed 
This is the predecessor of the Etsuro Gold and Etsuro Urushi , it was made in the 80’s by Excel Sound (Japan) for Argent (USA).

However, Fremer’s factory tour at Excel Sound Inc is not impressive at all, WATCH IT!
The Hana Umami Red is considered by many reviewers as a relative bargain at it's price point, along with the rest of the Hana line which seems to the theme amongst many reviewers.
Dear @terry9  : Of course that no offense at all.  Issue is that the OP is very especial in some ways and he asked in specific for the KRS  and 4K maximum as his budget and the Platinum is up to around 60% of that budget limit.

That's all nothing more.
