Supply chain affecting anyone?

Just found out from my dealer that my Sonus Faber speakers won’t deliver until early January (ordered in early October). For reference, he says it normally takes 2-3 weeks. 
My Safety Inspection for my motorcycle was due end July 2021.  Suspecting this "supply" issue, I went to Harley in the middle of June for a Pre Inspection.  Needed tires and other little items.  They did not have my tires in stock and would order them.  July came.  I get a call telling me that their supplier was out of stock also.  They checked with other dealers to no avail.   Finally early September I get a call. They found and received my tires and scheduled for the work to be done.  Two months and $1200.00, done.

I have dealt with supply issues before.  Manufactures sometimes would go out of stock of a certain high failure circuit boards and parts.  We began fixing the broken circuit boards and modifying other parts to work thru this shortage.  It was more work and expense for us but we got the machines up and running again.

Lesson to be learned here.  If there is something you cannot live without, find a way to supply yourself with it.
Water.  Learn to distill you own water.  I know.  Easy for me to say.  I live on the Pacific Basin.
Food.   Learn how to grow, hunt, fish...
Someone mentioned Ammunition.  My dad was a target shooter.  He shot 22, 38 and 45.   He put together his own 38 and 45 rounds.  Joking about the Apocalypse that was coming
Electricity for our stereo systems.  Get on with Solar.
However, there are some that will be hard to self produce.  Gasoline for my car, motorcycle, generator... That's s tough one.  But if it is super important to me, Diesel/Bio-Diesel.  I didn't mention my dad's 22 cal.  They are "Rim Fired".  Those had to be purchased.  But he stocked a bunch.  My dad and all of that is gone now so I can talk about it.

Honestly.  There are more important "supply" items one needs than Stereo. 
Stock up on essentials folks.  Waiting for audio items is going to be the least of our problems. 
I don’t know if anyone needs a great phono stage. I spoke with Ron at Sutherland Engineering about supply issues. He has product going out. Sutherland has phono stages starting at $900 for the KC Vibe and all the way up. Due to a trickle down effect you get a lot sound for your buck.  If you are in the Chicagoland area this store lets you demo in your home before you buy.
My recommendation if you are running a low output MC cart is either the TZ Vibe or the Little LOCO. Super quiet, great for listening at all levels even at low volumes which is difficult for most phono stages, and really big sound stage while keeping its composure. All of these great attributes starting at $1400. Best off all they are shipping. 
I am thankful for what I have and what most of us all enjoy today. The sky is not falling and perhaps it’s time to take a deep breath. Sometimes the best way through challenging times is not to grumble or spread fear. Sometimes it’s best to be thankful and encouraging. Just a timeout break for this darkening thread.