The smoothest amp you've heard?

What's the smoothest amp you've heard? I'm talking something so smooth it was perhaps too smooth, if that makes sense
many tube amps are closed in on top, not airy. so they may be butter smooth, but it’s a circuit artifact overlayed over all the music, and not ’the’ music.
@mikelavigne The quality of smoothness is a lack of higher ordered harmonics; also a lack of IMD. 'Airy'-ness is arguably a different quality which probably needs more clarity to make sure we're talking about the same thing.

In my book, 'airy' has to do with the speed of the amp; many tube amps are not all that fast (15Volts/usec is common). The other thing that this might refer to is phase shift. If there is a roll off in the amp that isn't all that far from the audio band, for example 50KHz, this will introduce phase shift down to 1/10th the cutoff frequency. The ear interprets this sort of thing as a coloration (since it covers a spectrum rather than a single frequency); if the phase shift is due to roll off, it will interpret is as 'dark' or 'slow'.

Not all tube amps behave as you describe of course (hence your use of the word 'many' rather than all). If the amp has bandwidth to 100KHz then its going to have minimal phase shift and won't sound dark. How it generates the higher ordered harmonics is a different matter, but there are tube amps that are both smooth (lacking audible higher ordered harmonics) and 'airy' at the same time.

Ralph, i’m not a spec guy, and have not doubt about what you are saying.

for sure i’ve heard tube amps with noticeably open extended top ends; three come to mind and they are all OTL’s; any Atmasphere i’ve heard :-), my Tenor 75 watt OTL’s back in 2001-2003, and the Berning 211/845 during my in-room demo a few years back.

a friend has some Found Music ’Blade’ tube amps that are very open on top, not sure the topography.

these are the tube amps i’ve heard enough to comment on.

i had the Lamm ML3’s and big VAC’s in my room for 3 months back a couple of years. i’d say each are ’better than average’ as far as tube amps top end extension but not in darTZeel territory, or OTL territory either.
The quality of smoothness is a lack of higher ordered harmonics; also a lack of IMD.

I agree with this as far as it goes.
The whole ariness things needs more definition INSHO to even know if we're discussing the same thing.