Ralph, i’m not a spec guy, and have not doubt about what you are saying.
for sure i’ve heard tube amps with noticeably open extended top ends; three come to mind and they are all OTL’s; any Atmasphere i’ve heard :-), my Tenor 75 watt OTL’s back in 2001-2003, and the Berning 211/845 during my in-room demo a few years back.
a friend has some Found Music ’Blade’ tube amps that are very open on top, not sure the topography.
these are the tube amps i’ve heard enough to comment on.
i had the Lamm ML3’s and big VAC’s in my room for 3 months back a couple of years. i’d say each are ’better than average’ as far as tube amps top end extension but not in darTZeel territory, or OTL territory either.