What do you think is the best integrated amplifier under 1000

How's it going?! I'm in search for a integrated that can produce the best sound for the 1000 under bracket. I know it's not a lot of money for an amp, but I still think there's some great amps on the used market for that price. Or if anyone would know a great chi-fi amp for the price it would be all so helpful. I have wharfedale 9.1 bookself speakers and will be mainly using the speakers for hip hop music. My room size is very small like 9 feet by 10 feet for a computer set up. I have it running my speakers into a Emotiva basx a100 in a Arcam rdac to computer. It's just for near filed desktop use.  The speakers have a  sensitivity of 86db so looking for something powerful enough. Here are the rest of the specs:  Wharfedale Diamond 9.1 loudspeaker Specifications | Stereophile.com

Any other info you need just let me know. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Peace.
I don't recommend buying new. If you had to, Rega Brio. But the Rogue Sphinx is a favorite too. 
Now if you have speakers with >95db ......Decware.
I just don't see long-term happy happy with the Sprout.  Great suggestions above; Rogue, Van Alstine  ... I'd add Odyssey Audio to that list ... 

Definitely check out The Music Room:


I got the Parasound NewClassic 200 Integrated last Winter and have been totally satisfied with it.
Upgrading from Emotiva separates, I found it had plenty of power and control, while improving bass and mid-bass definition and imaging.
I've used A/AB for 40+ years and I have been very impressed and relieved at the improvements brought forth by the change to "class D". 
It's a little higher than the OP's budget at 1195. 
I has many features I don't see often in It's price range: resister ladder volume vontrol, Burr Brown DAC, bass management, decent phono stage for MC/MM, back lit remote with bass, treble and sub level controls, even a sub on/Off so you can hear exactly what the sub id doing or not doing from your listening position. 



The caveat: This model has been affected by the global chip shortages and may be difficult to find.

Not a lot of love for Yamaha here but I am a fan.  Consider the Yamaha A-S801. 

Also, the Cambridge CXA61.  Another good choice.