Tube vs solid state (with all apologies)

So… I’ve been building guitar amps for a few years… and very familiar with tubes and circuitry…  and just entering the audiophile world. 
Is there a definitive opinion or discussion somewhere for help in determining where and or when to apply either?
Good manufacturers can and do get the most out of either, tube or s.s. amplifiers. The signatures of each are much closer to each other than they have ever been. A bigger consideration is heat, both in the room and on your rack.
Yes, manufacturers of ss and tube have been converging on more accurate sound for decades. Both have improved significantly decade after decade;  You could generalize that solid state tends to provide greater detail and tube tends to provide a more musical experience at any investment level. The greater the investment the better the sound.

That said, over the last 50 years as I upgraded and made my personal assault at the highest end system of greatest sound quality, one by one each piece of equipment has ended up being tubed. By far my current system is the best and most satisfying… all tubed, except the streamer (which is battery powered).
Buy what you like and do it your way. Period you have to live with it.

One mans food is another mans poison.
Enjoy the journey, as it never really ends.
For me the fact that SS amp manufacturers often quote a "tube like" quality says it all. My listening rig (amp and preamp anyway) and my guitar amps are all tube. Great sounding SS amps are abundant of course and I use mega powerful SS stuff for live shows, but tubes got that mojo I crave. I and many other guitar players tried various SS amps when they appeared in the 70s (the Roland JC 120 was and still is popular), but meh...tubes mo bettah...
Just one 'set of springs' Miller?
Why, you're reforming!
Boing boing.

By the way what's this got to do with amplifiers?