Isoacoustics Orea vs Townshend Seismic Pod on Components

I installed a set of Isoacoustics Gaia 2s on my speakers about a month ago and was extremely pleased with them. I'm now curious about the Oreas.

My components are currently placed on a good rack with Finite Elemente Cerabase footers at the bottom of the rack. I was wondering if individual isolators such as the Orea or Seismic Pod placed under components can further improve sound quality. I've read contradictory comments about the Orea. Some say they brought an appreciable difference when placed under components such as DAC or amplifiers. Some say they bring nothing to the sound, zero difference.

I would appreciate experiences on the Isoacoustics Orea or the Townshend Seismic Pod, or the comparison between the two products. The Oreas look better than the Pods to me although the latter may be costlier.
I ordered a set of the Nobsound and a set of Oreas to try under my tube amp. I'll report back with some observations later this week. 
Thanks for all responses. Will consider trying the Oreas (or Nobsound) sometime in the near future.

I'm pretty much done with the system and all these tweaks will be the icing on the cake.
The Nobsound springs arrived yesterday and I put them under my Audio Note Cobra. This amp has been sitting on an Ethan Allen wooden cabinet, beautiful, but not an audiophile accessory. The change is pretty dramatic- more dimension, better focus, just more of a "right" spacious feel to things. I'll do some blind tests over the next few days if the family is up for it. I should be getting the Oreas today but don't know if we will have power back in our region from the storm today. 
Thanks for the update. Would be interested to know how the Oreas would compare to the Nobsound once power is restored.
After trying many of the items mentioned, I decided to bite the bullet and invest in the best. I am using Critical Mass Footers 2 under my Dac, Amps and power conditioner.
