Mono solves all

If you put a red fuse into a the right channel of a power amp and a blue fuse into the left channel will the amp seize up or explode?

The cure for the imbalance caused by using a red fuse in one channel, and a blue fuse in the other channel, is to replace both with PURPLE fuses. All will be hunky-dory again. 


PS: Let's see if this post lasts for more than ten minutes. :-)
I'm surprised it has made it this long. The guy that started the purple fuse one was a new Goner and it only lasted 3 posts.
Red and blue fuses mixed will give you purple fuses. No need to spend money on purple.
I’m surprised it has made it this long.

The guy that started the purple fuse one was a new Goner and it only lasted 3 posts.
Probably because he was also a new SR shilling recruit.
Looks like they’ve really tightened up around here, like on other respected forums with the big dollar shilling of boutique fuse scamming.

Red and blue fuses mixed will give you purple fuses. No need to spend money on purple.
Just spend 50cent on a Bussman fuse and you got all the imaginary psychedelic colors that the $200 will give.

Cheers George