NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers

A few days in Manhattan? Haha, 54 years in NYC with almost 20 years on the front line…you have no idea what a disaster it is. 
My GF lives in Manhattan and I go to NYC fairly frequently. It's a fantastic city vibrant and alive and with a million things to do. Those here to denigrate it are just hate-filled ignoramuses.
Just to clarify, I visit Manhattan and NYC city a lot due to work and family/friends. So it's not like my experience is limited to a few days during my last trip. 

Anyways, this is one place where we can indulge in our hobbies and passions without having to worry about our political ideologies and other baggage. I'm not going to participate in this discussion any further. Long live New York! Long live Texas!

Have you ever worked being in a Union? I'd bet not, otherwise you wouldn't talk so foolishly

I’ll pass your words of enthusiasm on at the next crime scene. I’m sure everyone will appreciate it. 😂👍