Who will soon be going to a live concert?

A friend and I bought tickets to see Emmylou Harris on Oct. 5th in Santa Rosa CA. Proof of vaccination is required. I wouldn't go otherwise.
Saw two amazing live concerts last week ...

10/21: The Kronos Quartet, who played three world premiers, it was exceptional: https://kronosquartet.org/events/detail/new-york-new-york-46/

10/22: Solo Chris Thile.  My 11th time seeing him since the pandemic started.  He continues to improve.  Also played three songs I had never heard him play, after seeing him 24 times.

Support the artists and venues you love!!!

Just bought tickets to Lucy Kapansky in Ann Arbor, Mi. Vaccination proof required at the door
I'm going to see a jazz band, but will call ahead to find out if they will have masks strapped to their horns ...