NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
The show is about a month away.  The website still isn't listing exhibitors.  If this is really going to happen they better fix this soon.
Correction in my previous post, not Roy Gregory, but Alan Sircom, who was lovely...Alan did a lovely piece in HiFi+. He’s quite a funny, smart fellow.
@whart — Sorry, but Alan Sircom SUCKS as a reviewer IMHO. Read his reviews and there’s nothing to them. Seriously, you don’t even need to listen to a piece of equipment to write what he writes — it’s that useless. And the coup de gras is he NEVER compares the piece he’s reviewing to anything else AND, as far as I recall, doesn’t even list the comparable piece of equipment in his review system so there’s absolute NO reference for comparison or what he’s basing his “opinions” on. The beauty of his “reviews” are that there’s much less effort involved and virtually no accountability for what he says, and the bonus is he can therefore crank out many more of these absolutely useless reviews because he cuts out one of the most time-consuming and labor-intensive — oh yeah, and the most useful — parts of the review process. I gotta hand it to him, he’s found a way to make some good coin for doing very little work, but anyone well versed in audio or writing a truly useful review would recognize his reviews as the useless trash they are. I actually brought this up to him once via email and he said that since there’s little chance someone would’ve heard whatever he compared the review unit to there’s no real value in doing comparisons. REALLY? Such a lame excuse for absolute laziness and being a total coward. The worst thing I can say about Sircom’s (and most TAS reviews actually) is that after reading his review I still have little idea what the subject of the “review” actually sounds like or if I’d like to consider it myself. What else is a review supposed to be if not that??? TAS and HiFi+ are hack publications IMO, and the only reason for reading them is for entertainment and exposure, but I can get that from an ad or a company’s website, so again — useless...utterly useless crap.
I wasnt sure. Thanks for the clarification. 

So Nonoise I suppose you are a regular on movie sets. Were union people on set when Bruce Lee was killed?

Simple rule is never point a gun at anyone under any circumstances. 

Baldwin was probably checking his hair in a mirror when the gun went off. A tool of the first order.

Stereophile is also a hack publication. More dangerous because people actually believe they do a better and more thorough job. Real joke is that they are believed to have higher ethical standards.

And no, they don't point guns at people all the time on movie sets, that's old school. But they make it look like they do. Plus, nothing was being filmed when Ms. Hutchins was shot and killed. This has nothing to do with money, it's about ignorance, and poor safety practices.
Baldwin was probably checking his hair in a mirror when the gun went off. A tool of the first order.
Here are two prime examples of not knowing what you're talking about but winging it as best you can so to save face (and what a mug).

Guns are pointed all the time at people while filming. Seen any John Wick movies lately?

Also, when preparing a scene of looking down the barrel, one has to set it up which is how the cinematographer and director got shot. They always rehearse the scene before filming it. This is pretty common knowledge and very easy to look up.

I still can't believe the lengths some here go to in order to make an argument, just making stuff up as they go along to suit their narrative.
You alt right hacks have the worse arguments.

All the best,
@soix - you certainly feel strongly- Alan was a gentleman and a great dinner companion. As to his merits as a reviewer, I do remember a comparative review of 5 or so line stages - I think it was Roy and Alan, and I owned one of the units at the time (a Lamm L2 Reference). I thought their descriptions of the character of the sound of the Lamm were "spot on" as the Brits say, based on my own experience.
I don't really keep up with the "legacy" mags and spend less time  online  talking audio these days. I think the show mentioned was 2013. I haven't really kept up and spend most of my time focusing on records. I may have one more speaker system in me--but it will require some travel and some time. 
Bill Hart