What are some of the better tuners out there?

What are some of the better tuners out there? I am enjoying my Magnum Dynalab MD106T. I find myself at the mercy of reception and clean ac but when all is right the sound is quite nice. I’ve found good results with Amperage tubes but I find tubes too inconvenient in that they burn out too quickly. 
If it is a long round cylinder type, it’s an AM antenna.  I had. Sansui tuner way back when and it did both FM and AM and had what I described. I remember the tuning knob on the right was right up against the tuning dial and the glass panel went around the knob.  That was around 1979. 
@stereo5 Thanks. Now I remember my Dads old receiver had an AM antenna similar to that. 

I noticed that you like Macintosh tuners. Is there a few units you can recommend?
I have a Mac MR85 and an MR88 FM Tuners, they both are great but the much cheaper MR85 sounds a bit better. I owned a Magnum Dynalab Etude, MD 100, MD 102, later modded with the tube output and a MD106. Both my Mac tuners sound better than any of the the Magnums. The Sansui tuners from the mid 70’s through the 80’s and the Kenwood tuners from the same era are wonderful.

I sold audio from 1972 until 1986 and owned a lot of gear back then. The Kenwood KT8500 and KT9500 tuners give me very fond memories.   Forgot to mention that the McIntosh MR 78 is their best sounding tuner.  It is a tube tuner and they sell anywhere from 1600-2000.00.  Audio Classics has one or two of them listed.  They also have many other used Mac Tuners. 
"McIntosh MR 78 is their best sounding tuner.  It is a tube tuner..."

stereo5- I'm sure that was just an oversight, but the 78 is SS. It is indeed Mac's best SS unit. My daily driver is a 65 tubed MR 71, Mac's last tubed and best tubed unit-last year manufactured -1969

A Modaferri MR78 will give the best tubed or SS units a run for their money, but I'm sentimental and like a good tube unit.

I haven't heard the better Scott 300 series tubed units, but the rare REL Precedent that linked  earlier, is the end of game tuner for me.