Top 5 Reaons to NOT BUY A TURNTABLE.

@williewonka I would agree on the slow news day comment.
I am a analog guy though I do have some CD and stream a bit to.
Keep spinning.
Top 5 reasons to not watch the audioholic:
5. Wierd glasses.
4. Goofy shirts.
3. Goofy, period.
2. Misses the point.
And the #1 reason to not watch:
He's for wanna-bees not audiophiles.
  1.  All your records belonged to your mother
  2.  You haven't saved up enough allowance to buy a decent vinyl system
  3.  You read an article about CD being perfect
  4.  You have to get off the couch to listen to both sides
  5.  You can't figure out how to balance the tonearm