Top 5 Reaons to NOT BUY A TURNTABLE.

Actually, he isn't wrong on any count.  Especially when he says he thinks records sound better.

I've actually advised younger people who've heard my system the same.  I mean, does it really make sense to spend 10k+ on the vinyl part of your system if you only have a handful of records?  Especially when well produced high resolution digital can sound excellent, until you compare it to an upper tier analog system.
It's likely the setup for the next video, "Top SIX Reasons to Buy A Turntable". 

Everyone here should thank Steve. He is one of the few actually doing a decent job of getting newbies interested in the hobby, helping to keep recording and equipment manufacturers breathing. 
You'll be selling your current gear to those viewers some day. 

Before you mock Steve's shirts, please note that they made by his wife with point-to-point threading. 

There is only one GOOD reason. You just don’t like it.

You don’t need 4 more after that...

Irish Proverb..
