Mahgister (10-16-21)
''Anybody who read about logic know Frege's drama''.
From this statement those who are familiar with Frege's
work can deduce that mahgister has no idea about Frege.
Frege is called ''the father of modern logic''. So his logic
was his triumph. The drama apply to his mathematical
work. His ''magnum opus'' Grundgesetze ( Foundation
of mathematics) contained an paradox which was discovered
by Russel. BTW ''set paradoxes'' were known problem
of set theory. Many attempts are made to solve the problem. However later mathematician were so impressed by Frege's
work on mathematics that they corrected the paradox. The
result is now called Frege's theorem.
(Zalta, Boolos, Burgess,Hale, e.a.)
However the limit was his advice not to read Frege but Rudolf
Steiner. What an arrogant nitwit.
''Anybody who read about logic know Frege's drama''.
From this statement those who are familiar with Frege's
work can deduce that mahgister has no idea about Frege.
Frege is called ''the father of modern logic''. So his logic
was his triumph. The drama apply to his mathematical
work. His ''magnum opus'' Grundgesetze ( Foundation
of mathematics) contained an paradox which was discovered
by Russel. BTW ''set paradoxes'' were known problem
of set theory. Many attempts are made to solve the problem. However later mathematician were so impressed by Frege's
work on mathematics that they corrected the paradox. The
result is now called Frege's theorem.
(Zalta, Boolos, Burgess,Hale, e.a.)
However the limit was his advice not to read Frege but Rudolf
Steiner. What an arrogant nitwit.