An interesting demonstration

The woman whose name is Poppy does a mind bending demonstration of how suggestion can dictate what we hear. 
I never bought any "tweaks" nor anything costly AT ALL ....Never....

But instead of bad mouthing what seems to me honest people i dont know on audio thread, like Paul Mcgowan, i experiment with no cost devices of my own making...

Then i dont make of myself a fool who will buy costly "tweaks" or not less worst, a debunker who hold more to his debunking ideology than to experimenting with devices...

My motto is:

Dont upgrade before embedding mechanically, electrically and acoustically the gear....

Dont buy "tweaks" try to replicate them at no cost....

Most of the times acoustic low cost treatment and cheap home made mechanical controls beat most gear upgrade....

Try to debunk my method....Good luck....

Some fools have tried, and call all my system : placebos...

Some other reviewer  fool have tried, and call my system Low-Fi

Thats all.... But i laugh at all these fools because my system not being the best in the world for sure beat everything in the S.Q./price ratio scale...


Reading debunkers and reviewers  alike i smile....
I never think that you will answer with "tin foil hat " argument and "peebles" humor jokes...

Are you OK ?

Anyway i wish you the better there is...

 Arguing about audio dont make us foes...
What we are lacking here is Mozartfan to explain how he can implement the Pebbles and The Clip into his next perfect speaker design. I am willing to spring for the rock polisher. 
What we are lacking here is Mozartfan to explain how he can implement the Pebbles and The Clip into his next perfect speaker design. I am willing to spring for the rock polisher.
You have 239 posts and you can laugh your way up to peebles or tin foil use if you want and if it is the only positive work you can do in audio...But try to not insult people when they dont speak to you especially in their back...( i dont mind which will be the people name you will use)

And try not to assimilate all people you dont like in the same bag with a name you dont like associated to it....

Only a remark about elementary politeness...

But you can insult me now if it is the only thing you can give here because i speak to you...

Anyway i wish you the best....