An interesting demonstration

The woman whose name is Poppy does a mind bending demonstration of how suggestion can dictate what we hear. 
What we are lacking here is Mozartfan to explain how he can implement the Pebbles and The Clip into his next perfect speaker design. I am willing to spring for the rock polisher.
You have 239 posts and you can laugh your way up to peebles or tin foil use if you want and if it is the only positive work you can do in audio...But try to not insult people when they dont speak to you especially in their back...( i dont mind which will be the people name you will use)

And try not to assimilate all people you dont like in the same bag with a name you dont like associated to it....

Only a remark about elementary politeness...

But you can insult me now if it is the only thing you can give here because i speak to you...

Anyway i wish you the best....

phcollie, I'll spring for the compound. If I hear any more about Tang Bang drivers I might get sick and I've run out of emesis basins. You wouldn't happen to have any?
Negative on the emesis basin but I do have a sitz bath container that is a bit larger than a bedpan? 
I see my problem now, I did not buy the "Super Intelligent Chip".  Glad to see how it is light activated. (This from the manufacturer of the Brilliant Pebbles). I'm supposed to put the chip on top of the cd player. While the disk is inside, playing......
the CD player isn't really airtight or light-tight - it's actually a "leaky box" with many small openings and gaps in the chassis through which light can easily pass. The CD laser light reaches the Intelligent Chip by escaping through gap around the CD tray and fillingI  up the room. The Intelligent Chip's photons reach the interior of the player the same way, through the gap around the CD tray.