Observation: Passion vs Obsession

As I read through the AG threads each night culling useful tips (there are many) it occurred to me that there is a difference between passion and obsession in our hobby, or anything else for that matter.

I feel that the desire to improve can take one of two paths.

Passion = You love what you are doing. You enjoy the process and you love listening to the music. You are creating aural art. You are becoming the master of your sound, like an athlete you are honing your skills. You are integrated with the process and the process gives you joy.

Obsession = The joy is destroyed. You have sabotaged yourself by telling yourself "I have to get it". All you want are results, it serves an end.

To me the truth is that there is no end, only the journey. Enjoy the passion, your system and what it is offering you.

My point if there was one, was an observation that seems true. May or may not be for you. The truth is that whatever you are involved in you should enjoy the journey.

SG by Soundsmith is still a dream for me, but I enjoy the Zephyr MIMC Star until the dream is realized.
Passion is, say, building the base for each of your TT's and
obsession is the urge to own as many TT's  as cartridges. 
The rumour that one of our members would like to own as many
TT's as cartridges is exaggerated.