The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.

In school as a young teen ager, we has two groups....the Beatles fans and the Dave Clark Five fans, which I was one of.  In your youth did you have different cliques (I am thinking high school) based on what bands/singers they liked?  I was also in the minority by being a Del Shannon fan.  (yes, I am a dinosaur! ).  Thankfully I aged into Jazz and Classical for the most part, but did enjoy some popular music in the 80s.   And you?

At my school, it was either the Beatles or the Stones.  Fringe groups liked 
The Animals, The Kinks, The Zombies and Them.  I don't recall anyone 
liking the Dave Clark Five.  
Interesting contrast Beatles and Dave Clark 5. The contrast is usually Beatles vs Stones of which I was more into the Stones. Yes, Paul Revere & raiders were a top shelf band and had a lot of good music, but the Beatles overshadowed them. One group they did NOT overshadow was Grand Funk Railroad. They sold out Shay Stadium quicker than the Beatles. And at another venue they opened for Zeppelin who then refused to go on afterward. GFR is not in the R&R hall of shame, which is a very big injustice to them, R&R community & R&R history
Give me a break. BLUES is an American thing, Everyone else just learned how to play the blues. As a kid in the south in the 50-60s. Blues were a real heart felt "THING" from across the tracks.

Just so you know most of the counties in that area were DRY. The Juke Joints in the sticks were visited by ALL. Liquor and music flowed like water. Muddy Water at that. :-)

I worked on a 55 acre wood farm as a kid in Alabama. Music use to fill the areas from Wednesday - Sunday.  Rag time, gospel, Bayou Blues, some Rock a Billy, like Buddy Holly, Elvis, Jerry Lee, Mavis, Willie Thornton, Chuck Berry, Carl Perkins.

Soul was being formed at the time. You could hear it...

James Brown.. Mercy he WAS the hardest working CAT in the business..
Still listen to JB. Sex machine, I feel good. Smookin' good..

BUT the Dave Clark 5.. :-) Just kiddin' OP..

I like shuffle dancin' too.

As an added note to the DC5/Beatles comparison, "Having A Wild Weekend" is every bit as good a movie as "A Hard Day's Night".  At the auteur level it's John Boorman vs. Richard Lester.

I agree with your post as I am always Hungry for those good things 

Paul Revere and the Raiders' Pop Legacy in 5 Songs
  • "Kicks" (1966) Paul Revere and the Raiders. ...
  • "Hungry" (1966) Paul Revere and the Raiders. ...
  • "Good Thing" (1966) Paul Revere and the Raiders. ...
  • "Him Or Me, What's It Gonna Be" (1967) ...
  • "Indian Reservation (The Lament Of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)" (1971)