Cable Management Tips and Tricks

I’ve never really came across much information on cable management.  Specifically I would like to know how to properly deal with excess cable length. Both with interconnects and power cables. I usually coil my extra length and secure with velcro. I’m not sure if this is proper, but not sure what else to do with it.  Also would love to hear any other tips people have. 
I let the cables fall where they may and when they always do when they meet, try to make sure they cross at right angles. It helps to use some cut down piece of foam insulation that's used in electrical pipe conduits that you can get at any hardware store.

Oh, and I keep by cables up off the floor using cheap measures. Nothing fancy is needed.

All the best,
Command hooks or something similar that you create yourself are a great way to separate interconnects and speaker cables laterally along the back of your rack. Velcro strips work great in combination with this as well for keeping everything tidy and crossing at 90*.
I use light weight styrofoam to separate my interconnects from my power chords.  
Call me crazy but I did some cable management work last night based on suggestions in this post.  Basic the speaker wires off the floor and separated them from power cords and interconnects.  Re-routed some of the interconnects so they didn't touch and didn't run as parallel as before.  Took maybe 10 minutes, a couple pieces of string and a handful of rubber bands.  What I can say for sure is that immediately following the cleanup my system sounded the best it's sounded in a while...if not ever.  I guess some could convincingly argue that there could be multiple reasons for the perceived improvement, but my favorite is that cable management actually does make a difference.  I'm headed to Home Depot today to pick up some of that foam based pipe insulation to compete the task.  

One question I still have is this....I get how running a speaker wire next to a power cord could create a problem...but what I'm wondering is whether a pair of interconnects...say R/L channel to a single source...will also benefit from the advice (don't run parallel).  I look at the back of my DAC and the output jacks are in parallel.  I look at my fancy pre-amp and not only are the input jacks in parallel but they are all stacked very closely together.  So I'm thinking maybe interconnects, because of the low signal voltage/current/whatever...don't have the same problem?  Or do they?
@bh123 good question that’s never crossed my mind, but interested in the answer as well!

I’ve found the practice of cable management to be very zen-like at times.