I have been able to directly compare only two of the USB cables on your list. I use mostly Shunyata power cables and Cardas analog signal cables. I am now using two USB cables: Shunyata Alpha (going from Innuos Zen server to Innuos Phoenix USB reclocker) and Network Acoustics USB III (from Phoenix to PS Audio DirectStream DAC).
When I compared several USB cables 8 months ago, I thought that the Cardas Clear HS sounded rich and smooth, but this was at the cost of some transients seeming smoothed over and a loss of detail compared to the other cables in my comparison. I also heard the Stealth USB (which is on your list of possible "used" options), which was very open and transparent, but sounded a bit "edgy" at times.
My favorite cables in the comparison I did were the Shunyata Alpha and the Audience AU24 SE+. If you can find either one of those cables used, it may get you closer to your preferred cost cut-off.
If you are willing to sacrifice some detail to achieve a rich full-bodied sound that emphasizes smoothness without edginess, then the Cardas Clear HS may meet your needs.