Is it Possible??

Is it possible for speakers to sound better when you hear them while sitting in a different room that the speakers are in or when you stand behind them?  If so why does this occur and what can I do to improve my listening experience while sitting in the same room as the audio gear. 
Ag insider logo xs@2xjili12
The only exception if the new speaker i am saving for 
The Very well known MBL Omni directional Loudspeaker 
it sounds excellent even off axis.
I've had the experience, particularly at my previous house where there was a foyer to the listening room divided by French doors, where you'd be in that outside the room space, and it sounded like real instruments there in an uncanny way. 
Go into the room, and it is more immediate, louder and you are hearing the system set up (for better or worse) front and center.
I'm not sure I'd use an "out of room" experience as a test of anything, but what you hear when you get into the room and the "sweet spot" (or whatever) is what that system sounds like up close and immediate. You'll hear more, for better and worse, there. 
My current set up doesn't allow for quite the same thing; different house, different room. I do know when it is "on song" and when it is not. The audiophile question is always how much better could it be if.....
And I ask that question less these days than ever. Sure, it can be improved on a couple fronts I'm interested in exploring, but I'm familiar enough with the core components, having owned most of them a long time, to know that I'm getting quite a bit out of them. 
The Jim Smith set up (or something comparable) would be where I'd place first money, over buying more gear. 
When you say the speakers "sound better from a different room", what exactly do you mean by better? More musical? Better bass or treble? More transparent? When you listen from an entirely different room, the room your speakers are in become the speakers or at least a part of them. You are listening to the room (as a speaker); no stereo image.
Thank you all for your comments and observations.  As they say you have provided me with food for thought.  For those of you interested in the gear I am using it is as follows;
Amp. - Hegel H-160
TT - Rega RP8
Preamp. - Icon Audio PS1
Cart. - Hana ML
Dac - Merason Frerot with a Merason Pow1
Server - Innous Zenith MKII
CD - Primare CD-32
Cables - mostly Wywires and Morrow Audio
Speaker cables - MIT Matrix 28
and Speakers are  Fritz's Carbon 7's

I have toed the speakers out a little and have noticed some improvement.
I would expect reverberation to be at play as much as high-frequency attenuation.