Is there a good indoor FM antenna?

What is your experience with an indoor FM antenna.  I am in a rental situation and cannot mount an outdoor antenna.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiend. 

I live in a single family home with an attic. Some yrs back I put an antenna in the attic. I hung it (antenna mast)  from the ridge beam/pole. IOW upside down. Worked well. Still does
I have the Magnum Dynalab ST2 antenna in the front corner of my living room on the side of the front door.  It has been in that location for 20 years and my wife only noticed it a couple of years ago when vacuuming near it.  It is very unobtrusive. I pull in over 20 stations. 
whats the best antenna for the Tivioli Model One Radio ?  we live in suburban DC. The Model One FM reception is poor. it only gets local stations and isnt good separating them out.   
I don't know the answer to your question, but I worked at and Advent dealer and met many of the top people at Advent including Henry Kloss.  At the time people spoke of many of Mr. Kloss things that were a bit driving used Checker Cabs.