New Mojo Mystique X

Who has ordered the new Mystique X being released later this year? I was going to buy a used Mystique V3 but they are just impossible to find. Ben had a possible trade in unit for me but the owner decided not to go ahead.

The new models carry quite a price and to take advantage of the introductory discount it seems they have to be bought unheard, just going on previous models’ reputations. Could those who are buying the new model please share their reasons why.
And what happened to pics of the new chassis the Evo supposedly got in early 2021?
There's currently an ad (not mine) on the Mart for a used Mojo.

When I was DAC shopping last year, they were on my audition list but ultimately it didn't work out for various reasons.

Among other things, not a huge fan of the yearly update business model -- just make something great, keep making it, and when you've accumulated enough improvements to make a BIG difference...release your "mk. 2 model" or whatever. 

Was also interested in the "EVO", whose whole premise was upgradeability, and already they seem to have gone in a different direction. The unpredictability of the business model isn't my cup of tea.

But it might be a good fit in your system. For natural/organic sound, would also suggest looking into the Sonnet Morpheus, Merason,  Totaldac (core). Tube dacs could also be your jam, just be mindful of voltage output and whether your pre-amp has enough gain to make it sing.

It appears that the new model will not be upgradable and that the EVO will no longer be produced. Two versions will be available and will sonically be close to the EVO Pro level. Pricing is better than the existing Pro.

Not being able to audition is a severe handicap. I was not aware of the Merason which I will look into
@lemonhaze I am expecting my new Mystique EVO DACc next week so looking forward to hearing how it sounds. Seems like several have gone out to new owner in the last few weeks. Perhaps some will post their experience soon. And of course Benjamin offers a 45-day refund policy in case you're not happy with the sound or if you decide you want to change models. Talk to Ben about he would handle "upgradeability" in an EVO model when new upgraded models are released and these upgrades can't be accommodated due to a change in chassis. 
I had the Mojo Mystique Evo B2B with the A Core upgrade for awhile. This DAC does sound very organic and natural, which is seductive at first. That said it does so at the cost of smoothing over details, higher noise floor and coloration in tone. It depends on your musical preference, if all you care about is small ensemble jazz or vocals, this is a good DAC. If you listen to dynamic music that's either electronic or even orchestra that benefits from low noise floor and clear instrument separation and texture, this isn't the DAC for you.