
Many nice gents in this site, highly reputable common folks audiophiles like @lalitk @wig and others have mentioned these, so it’s probably time to create a specific thread on Zavfino, a direct sales cables company based in Canada with presence ‘ distributors in US, also direct:

I took the advice of these folks with a power cord, the Prima MK2

I could not be happier with this cord, something that would easily cost $2,000 or even $3,000 from other better known cable makers. It’s outstanding, for about $500. Absolutely amazing build, and packaging too. It sounds great, very quiet. I am sure the cheaper PC, the Majestic at $390 is very good too: 
I now have the Prima speaker cables on my way. Call me “sold”.

No BS, truly top quality cables company that flies under the radar. Very affordable too. Take a look. No relation to the company, just a happy first time customer, thanks to my Audiogon friends here
Thanks to both @lalitk and @thyname for the helpful info. 

So I guess that both PCOCC and OCC are Ohno Continuous Cast copper, but the PCOCC copper is at a higher level of purity. I'm assuming that any OCC copper is continuous "single crystal" copper, but maybe that's not the case.

Listening to the different interconnects certainly makes the most sense, but I noticed that Zavfino's return policy includes a restocking fee so I wanted to pin down my cable choices as much as possible before ordering anything. If cost were not an issue at all, I would simply get a 5-meter length of the 1-meter Cardas Clear Reflection XLRs I use now, but I haven't been able to adjust to the idea of spending more than $3k just for a pair of long interconnects. It looks like there are some good values in the Zavfino cable lines, and I'm just trying to see if one of these options might work in my system. I guess I'll need to let my ears be the judge.
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@thyname, I'm tempted to try the speaker cables you listed but I really prefer spades all around. 
I've owned a full loom of Nordost Frey 2 and speaker and int from Purist Audio Aqueous. I also think the A21 are good speaker cables. I downsized years ago and went with Acoustic BBQ 12g from Bill on this site. I'm skeptical when a bunch of people jump onboard something new but it's only a cable. Thanks for posting about these.  
I am sure Raymond makes cables with spades. Mine are BFA.

And it's perfectly fine to stay with what you have. As you say, it's only a cable.
Yes, I saw he does. What I meant is that it's not like shipping a pair of speakers or a 200lb amp.