Marten Bird 2, B&W 800 Diamond or Wilson Sasha

I am new to this forum and would appreciate any comments/advice. I am in the process of getting a new system to replace my current setup: ML33H, ML380S, ML390S, B&W Signature 800, all Kimber Select speaker cable and interconnect. I am considering the following:

1) Krell Evolution 600e monoblocks, Krell Phantom Preamp, Krell Cipher CD/SACD electronics/source or

2) Simaudio Evolution W-7M monoblocks, Simaudio P-8 preamp, Simaudio Andromeda CD electronics/source, with

3) Marten Bird 2, B&W 800 Diamond or Wilson Sasha speakers.

Will appreciate any advice from those of your who have had experience with these components and makes. My listening room is about 3.6m x 5.5m with 2.6m high ceilings. Thanks.
I would go for the Marten Bird 2 and Vitus anytime.

The other choice would be the German Physiks Bordeland MK IV, it sounds incredible with any music thrown at it as the Carbon DDD ( Dicks Dipole Drive )does an amazaing job and the sound stage is the best I have heard, Period(that's the benefit of open design).

I am not a dealer but I have a pair of the Marten Bird (only for 3 days) at a price too cheap to mention here due to the sensitivity of it. It's a new pair with full 2 years warranty, but I live in Australia and don't know how much customs will be charged for the speakers at Thai.
I also have access to heavy discounted Vitus and German Physiks if you are interested.

Not a big fan of B&W and they are hard to drive (nothing VITUS can't handle) and need lots of space to perform. Forget it

As always, audio preference is very individual I would suggest you listen to all the suggestions others made (they are all great) and decide for yourself what music you like.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions, really appreciate it. I am going back to the dealer for another listening session with the Martens+SimAudio and Martens+Vitus gear this weekend. I quite like the sound of the Wilson Sasha, although I also like the Martens, which I feel is a little more refined than the Wilsons (subjective, of course). Am leaning towards the Martens+Simaudio setup. Also considering getting the finite elements Master Reference audio racks for the equipment.
I have had my current system for almost 10 years and am moving into a new home, so I wanted to try something complaints with the Levinsons and SIgnature 800, I suppose I just got bitten by the upgrade/tinkering bug and wanted to try something different being that I am moving into a new home as well!
I heard that dealers or demonstrators in Bangkok hifi shows are good in setting up systems which showcase a near full potential of loudspeakers and/or components on display. You might want to check out the next upcoming show to have a feel of the potential candidates that are shortlisted. Definitely choose loudspeakers ahead of electronics.

Out of all three speakers listed, I have only listened to the Sasha. Outstanding speakers. Dynamic, detailed and yet avoids an analytical sound with its sweet airy highs. I believe the B&W and Marten are equally magnificent designs on their own.

Good luck.