RCA vs XLR and Balanced vs Unbalanced

Newbee needs some help understanding the benefits (if any) of using RCA vs XLR connections and using a balanced vs unbalanced components. What are the benefits of using balanced components (DAC > pre-amp >  amp)?   Does balanced sound better for some reason?    It is my understanding that to take advantage of a balanced system, you need to use XLR cables. Correct?  RCA cables will negate the benefits of a balanced system?  For example, if I have a set of cables that are terminated with XLRs on the DAC end and RCAs on the pre-amp end.  If I have a balanced DAC should I be using a balanced pre-amp? A balanced amp? As my line of questioning indicates, I have no understanding of how a balanced system works and why it is preferable to a non-balanced system. Any guidance will be greatly appreciated. Cheers.

Many amps and preamps just have opamps to "pseudo" give balanced inputs and outputs, when their actual circuit topology is single ended, and then your far better off using the rca input and outputs as you then bypass the "opamps".
And if your using <3mts or less interconnects, rca is just as good as balanced.
Over say >3mt balance can get quieter the longer you go.

Cheers George
some nitwits here hate it when i say it and say it again -- ’the search bar above is your friend’

too all noobs -- once again -- ’’ the search bar above is your friend’’

@tvad shows it to be so true again - here is another from just a few months back... https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/all-things-being-equal-hypothetical-which-do-you-prefer-xlr-o...

and so ends this public service announcement...
The primary determinant of which will sound better is how the equipment is designed (balanced or not… as MC and others have noted), The manufacturers might tell you which is better… but the reality is the difference… particularly if your equipment is <$2K per box is not likely to be big. I would guess, that it would be more cost effective to stick with single ended RCA) until your individual components cost more than $5K. Mine are closer to $20K each and my upgrading to XLR was not real noticeable although this is what the manufacturer recommends.
i agree that ayre and arc stuff always seem sound noticeably better running balanced...