Preamp Opinion

A couple of weeks ago, I asked for advice on my amp and preamp. Although I am sure that it could be improved, I have come to the conclusion that the Parasound A23 is the least of my problems. I also have a Parasound New Classic 2100 preamp, a Marantz 8600 CD player/streamer (which I also think doesn't need to be replaced), and Focal Aria 926 speakers. I did listen to advice I was given and am expecting a vintage McIntosh SL-1 sub to my system.

I am looking at a few used preamps and wanted to get your opinions on them since the only one I have heard is the Adcom GFP-750 and that was years ago. My memory is that it had a very good sound to it. The other preamps I am considering are the Rotel RC-1572, Rogue RP-1, Coplant CTA 301 MKII, Bryston BP6, and Vincent SA-T7. Unfortunately, I have not heard any of them and don't have a location where I can. I tend to prefer a sound that is not too bright but provides a good clear soundstage and imaging. I have always owned solid state before and am a little leery of tube maintenance.

Thank you for your advice or observations about any of these preamps.
Would you consider building a tube preamp? Tubes4hifi has the kit version that the Don Sachs model 2 is based on. This is an amazing preamp. 

I'm pretty sure it will walk away from all the preamps you have listed.

Disclaimer: I have not built anything but I can solder. I will be building their excellent phono preamp in the near future.

The advantage of building your own preamp is that you will be more than capable of fixing it or upgrading it down the road.

PS Audio PCA-2 with HCPS outboard power supply, very fast detailed and warmth of tubes under $1000 if you can find one. Close to reference on a budget.
I'd consider a Rogue 99 Magnum (or Super Magnum) in the Rogue slot over the RP-1. 
I tried to build the Tubes4hifi SP14 preamp from their board and a few select parts but it is unacceptably noisy with a 400 watt solid state power amp with a 120Hz hum from an impossible to diagnose ground loop presumably.  I've built five First Watt amps so I'm not an inexperienced builder but the SP14 has me flummoxed.  There are quite a few posts by people who have run into the same problem with the SP14 or essentially identical designs from Glassware etc..  Because of the hum it is hard to tell whether or not it would be a good preamp if it was quiet.
Trust me! If I built it, you would not want to listen to it😂

There is a Rogue 99 on eBay now. Looks good! Good price! But Nick at Rogue recommends the RP-1 over the 99. He said the tubes are improved. I know I could switch the tubes in the 99. But that is probably part of the reason I have always gone solid state. Pretty much zero maintenance. Plug and enjoy. That’s why I’m looking so hard at the Bryston.