What were the radio stations of your youth that helped you on your music/audio journey?

I am older so my radio stations of influence were in their prime during the British invasion and many, many American singers and groups.  
The stations I listen to the most were WLS out of Chicago, KIOA out of Des Moines, KAAY out of Little Rock, Arkansas and KOMA  out of Oklahama.  When I was in the Air Froce I had a few stations near the main base I was stationed at outside of Rapid City, S.D.  
Of course systems and better and better systems and FM became the dominate source for broadcast/online music.  I did learn much of what I liked and eventually purchased through early radio listening.
I still listen to radio mainly for Jazz stations and NPR news. 

In Toronto:

CHUM 1050 on the am dial for 60’s and 70’s pop ant top 40 hits
CHUM 104.5 on the fm dial for the 70’s- 80’s on for rock, classic rock, and select album cuts
WNEW in New York! I still think about them. And when we moved to Florida WQSR Quad 102.5 in Sarasota!  Both ruled my seventies childhood. 
In Boston, MA: WBZ AM, WBCN for rock, WJIB for easy listening to go to sleep to, WCRB Classical Radio Boston, WRKO for pop.  This all dates back to the 60s and 70s because I am old as f***. 
WTSR, Trenton State Radio. They had a great Reggae night where I discovered tons of bands I, to this day, never would know.