QSA Stones

I have had 6 QSA Stones on top of my power conditioner (2 each of red blue and clear) for about three months, and have really enjoyed what they bring to my system. This week, I got another set of 6.

One thing I have learned over many years in this hobby is the importance of power supplies, and the impact they have on the sound of individual components and systems. A number of audiophiles with DIY skills upgrade the power supplies on components with bigger and/or better capacitors, and in various other ways. Unfortunately, I lack the skills to do this.

I ended up placing the new stones on top of the power supplies of my CD transport and amp (1 red, blue and clear on each). To me the very positive results sound similar to upgrading the power supplies, without all the hassle of soldering etc. Particularly with my amp, there was an increased sense of ease and musical flow, along with more solidity and authority.

I don’t claim to have any real explanation as to how the QSA stones work, but it seems to have something to do with their interaction with electromagnetic fields, such as those around power transformers. Fortunately, I don’t need an explanation to enjoy the results🙂

If you think this is all bunk, or can’t see how these type of things can have any impact on the sound, that’s fine, but I’ll politely ask you to refrain from making repeated posts to that effect. The QSA Stones are obviously not for you, nor is this thread directed towards you.
I think Everyone wants great sound and some will do (especially the gullible), anything to achieve it.Unfortunately and undeniable Great sound is going to cost big money for equipment upfront. No amount of voodoo and propped up BS gimmicks Will change that fact and/or make junk sound like a Ken Fritz stereo !! I truly feel sorry for anyone who gets scammed by some of the crap out there. And I certainly don’t have any respect for people with either no friends not much of a life or shirts with holes too small for their heads. In this world we live by science we create by science. Fluke does happen but can be explained by science.
Some of us will remember..Is it live or is it Memorex sales S… Technology and science changed that thinking fast enough. So is it regression that we find Ourselves in a gravel pit looking for rocks to put on our equipment. If nothing else it proves humour is constant.
jerryg123"I see you are a true believer and I will respect that. I also have the right to debunk junk science. Especially when one can not even begin to validate it with science other than voodoo science"

So when will you commence you're debunking so far all I see from you is a lot of words and mostly just bunking.
Dear God .... Such *Desperate for attention*  arrogance ...

The true arrogance lies with those who, seeing no need to try or investigate it for themselves beforehand, make absolute statements that something cannot possibly work. It is inconceivable to them that anything outside the narrow world of their knowledge, understanding and training has any validity or merit.
I'll bite. I think its all horse sh*t. All of it. But do they have a money back guarantee? If so I could be persuaded to try it. I'm kind of a sucker for sub $100 tweaks.