Cable Management Tips and Tricks

I’ve never really came across much information on cable management.  Specifically I would like to know how to properly deal with excess cable length. Both with interconnects and power cables. I usually coil my extra length and secure with velcro. I’m not sure if this is proper, but not sure what else to do with it.  Also would love to hear any other tips people have. 
Just tried it with some heavy wall heat shrink tube and it worked.

Thanks for the tip @nonoise. @nonoise. 
My pleasure. I wish I can take all the credit for it but it was passed down by some member quite awhile ago so I'm just paying it forward. 👍

All the best,
they?One question I still have is this....I get how running a speaker wire next to a power cord could create a problem...but what I'm wondering is whether a pair of interconnects...say R/L channel to a single source...will also benefit from the advice (don't run parallel). I look at the back of my DAC and the output jacks are in parallel. I look at my fancy pre-amp and not only are the input jacks in parallel but they are all stacked very closely together. So I'm thinking maybe interconnects, because of the low signal voltage/current/whatever...don't have the same problem? Or do they?
I suppose if it was a significant issue the engineers would have a design where the rca or balanced connectors were on opposite sides of the equipment. But would anyone buy it? Aesthetically that would be really weird. 
Great thread, lots of useful info here. Whenever I have cables crossing, and sometimes it can’t be avoided, inserting a piece of EFI/RFI cancelling material can be quite useful, too. Especially in the digital domain it’s preferable to use short cables over avoiding them crossing