Which monitor speaker to choose??

Looking for a monitor to work in a 12' x 14" room. Musical taste range from Jazz, Pop, Soft rock and occasionally, Classical. Considering LSA-1, Ascend Sierra, Vapor Breeze and VMPS 626R---seeking opinions. Must have great clarity, soundstaging ability, holographic and dynamic with detailed bass. Thanks!
I have had the Spendor SA1's since they came out, in a room of similar size as yours. I would not trade them for anything else of that size. They do nothing wrong, are extremely musical, image like bandits, and any time I have sold Spendor monitor speakers in search of something "better," I regretted it. So I stopped.

One man's opinion.

I would be remissed if I didn't chime in here and suggest that you audition the Pioneer S-2EX (basically a TAD speaker with the Pioneer label). Audio Video Logic still has a few pairs left. Check out this review from Neil Gader: here

I was skeptical - because of the Pioneer label - but I went ahead and purchased a pair after auditioning them. They are truly an exceptional monitor and sound much more like a full-range floor stander (except they image like a monitor).
Check with Jim Salk, he was showing a Raal/Illuminator 2-way at a recent show, I think it will sell in the mid-3's, not sure if that's in your price range. So many people liked it that he may make it a standard offering.
Thanks Rich. I'm currently have an Odyssey Stratos Amp and an AVA preamp and AVA DAC. My budget is up to $2,000.