where is another good place to search for b&w's?

I am on here all the time, on craigslist and have a word in to local dealers for some used b&w's. i am looking for a good deal on some of their 800 series floor standing speakers. they are dam hard to come by. my top two choices are nautilus 802's or 803 d's.. any suggestions on other places to look?
thank you,
Patience is needed if you are looking for used...They will come along...Where are you located??? There is a guy in FL that continues to put his 802 N's up, don't think they've sold yet
that guy has been flagged as a fraud 3 times. he has a post on there ugh now but ue changed his location this time. i am learning that there is a great deal of fraud for these speakers down here. i am in daytona...
Keep an eye out at htguide.com/forum

They have a B&W forum and have a classifieds section
Try this guy too...he use to be one here, he has now gone to Ebay for whatever reason. I have spoken to him several times about his items and my needs about my system and its conception. Very nice and easy to deal with and he usually gets some really nice used B&W speakers...his name on ebay is as it was here toooo...don2005digland
Although in AZ...he ships well and you would be satisfied with your new purchase