What cartridge for a prime super scout 10.5 arm.? Budget $500

Just looking for any cartridge recommendations for a used prime super scout I just picked up with 10.5 arm. I got a great deal on the table but don’t want to spend a fortune on the cartridge. I had a Sumiko Bluepoint N0 3 which sounded great to me but I accidentally damaged the needle. The cantilever broke off so that’s done. On to the next thing. My system is a Mcintosh C50 preamp and MC452 amp with NHT 3.3 speakers. The C50 has both MM and MC. I listen to anything from Kiana Krall to David bowie and I like a good low end and good midrange. I’d like to try another cartridge since I have to replace Sumiko. Budget is $500.00

Thanks in advance
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The Nagaoka are the most satisfying MM carts I've heard yet.  MP200, 300, or for the ultimate in refinement...MP500.  
I see the  AT-OC9XSL getting a lot of love in the reviews. While both are a bit out of my price range, I wonder how the Hana SL and the  AT-OC9XSL would compare? I like a lively and bass heavy sound. Not really looking for a laid back reproduction. I will have to give the Nagaoka line a look although with the ability to use MC carts, is there a reason besides cost that I should be looking at MM?

The Nags will give you what you want. You might also consider the Audio Technica VM750SH. I have one on a second system and it’s clear, detailed, and dynamic especially at low volume, and tracks perfectly with almost no vinyl noise.