Best DAC+Volume Control under $1000 (used)


I just got an Innuos Zen Mk3 server/streamer, which is doing great, but now looking for a DAC WITH good volume control so it can feed my Amplifier (Classe CA-2100).

What's the best option out there... I KNOW, a separate pre-amp would be best, BUT I don't have the budget, or room... so what's a good DAC with volume control that I can get in the used market under $1000?

The ones that come to mind are Mytek Brooklyn, RME  ADI2DACFS, and DAC Magic.  I was dead set on Denafrips, BUT it doesn't have remote or volume control! 

PS. I also have a Denon Receiver that's being used for my HT, alternatively, I could use that as my pre-amp, but wanted to keep it separate as I think it probably would sound better if not fed through a 9-channel receiver... or am I wrong?
Thanks guys... what about using a straight DAC without volume control, and just connecting it to my Receiver CD-input, then pre-out to my Amp?

If that route, which of these do you recommend?

- Denafrips Ares
- Chord Cutest

PS. My system is:
- Zen MK3 streamer/server
- Classe CA-2100 solid state amp
- B&W 805S speakers
- Denon X4700H receiver (could be pre-amp, or skipped)
My vote is for the RME ADI-2 Fs.

Chord Qutest if using the receiver as the preamp since you only have single-ended inputs.
I've only heard the Qutest and it's a nice DAC. I've got a Benchmark DAC3 which is pretty close to the RME. I've used it direct to the AHB2 as well as through the HPA4. Sounds great.

IMO, I'd opt for transparency at the source and fiddle around with tone using preamp / amp.
what about using a straight DAC without volume control, and just connecting it to my Receiver CD-input, then pre-out to my Amp?
Oh good God NO!  Running the Zen and a decent DAC through an AVR’s preamp section is heresy and will destroy their goodness.  Get the best DAC with volume control you can now and add a stereo preamp down the road if needed/desired.  The Soekris 2541 or Gustard X26 are both great options if you can stretch a little bit. 
If you're considering Denafrips vs. Chord, I believe Qutest price is closer to the Pontus II and about double the Ares price. The Ares is the only one of the three you're likely to find under $1K. Cheers,

Ideally, you would use a hi-bit (such as a 32 bit) DAC with built in digital volume control, with an output voltage that is similar to the input voltage of your power amps sensitivity for full output. The digital volume controls on these newer high bit DACs are much better than the digital volume controls on the older lower bit DACs that often led to bit stripping which compromised sound quality. The standard voltage output for CD's is 2 Volts, for HDCDs 2.2 Volts, single ended via RCA's. While true balanced transfer has it's advantages, it also typically doubles the output voltage and finding an amp with 4 to 4.4 Volt sensitivity for full power output into it's balanced inputs could be quite challenging. Single ended RCA amps with a 2 to 2.2 Volt input sensitivity for full output is a much more likely find. Having such an arrangement will allow for the amp to output all the power you paid for, while minimizing the volume attenuation and the potential for bit stripping that can otherwise occur with such attenuation. As a plus it will give you greater range of the volume control and make volume attenuation less delicate and fussy.
 Your Classe' amp has an input sensitivity of 1 Volt for full output. While a high bit DAC will ordinarily have lots of extra bits to spend on attenuation without bit stripping into many amps; that 1 Volt input is pushing things a bit. It might work for you, but I offer no guarantees. 
 While not as ideal, using a passive volume control such as a LightSpeedAttenuator between your source and amp with short, low capacitance interconnects could work quite well in your circumstances.