Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?

Hi folks,
If you upgraded a point-to-point wired tube amp or preamp, what did you upgrade?
I assume capacitors, but was there anything else which you upgraded that made a genuine difference for the sound?
I am looking into improving the caps in my Quicksilver stuff, but before doing that, I am curious if there's anything in addition to caps which I should consider.
Thanks for the comments on the Odams. I'm planning on just the preamp for them. Will likely avoid the Miflex.

In the end, not all components will produce the same results with the same upgrades and the overall system voicing will dictate what sounds best. Look at it as a chef's spices, and you'll realize not every recipe tastes good with the same blend.

So much (all?) in this hobby depends on the specifics involved, from source to room. It's all semi-guessing.

My premise is simple: try better parts that other owners of the same gear have found beneficial and reverse it if it doesn't work out.
@hilde45 - You're very welcome! I definitely wouldn't rule out the Miflex as there's many folks out there that really love them. I also wouldn't rule out Audyn True Copper, V-cap Odam, or many of the other fine capacitor upgrades that we have to choose from!

All the best in your endeavor, Aric
Wow. The Odams never sound congested in the over 20 units I placed them in. In audio it seems nothing is ever absolute. We get that. I know Jeff at Sonic Craft likes the Miflex. The Jupiter copper caps sound better, but he no longer sells them. He will push what he carries and that makes sense. He told me the Miflex sounded as good or better than the Jupiter copper foils for less money so I tried them. I just cannot agree. They are too forward sounding in the electronics and crossovers I placed them in. The Odams were the best of the lot. Just my opinion.

Some like that forward, front row perspective and that is a subjective preference for sure. This is why nothing is absolute. Builders have sonic preferences just like the rest of us.

The one thing I find strange however is the congested comment on the Odams. I have never heard it. No other comment I have heard or read suggests this either. This is an outlier opinion that has me scratching my head my a little 🤓. However, I greatly respect Aric and his builds.  He does great work and that is a fact! 
@grannyring With regards to Jeff selling what he carries- it’s just the opposite. He carries what customers want and expressed to me that even though he believes the KFPMs to sound better than the KPCUs, he has sold over 2,000 KPCUs and about 66 KFPMs. He keeps up with what there is demand for and is a stand up guy. I just wanted to address that point, the rest with regards to caps is opinion. All that matters is that you enjoy the music! Thank you for the kind words, and respect :-)
Agreed. My point is vs Jupiter caps and those are not being carried for other reasons beyond what we want as I understand it.

Jeff at Sonic Craft is a great guy and I have learned a great deal from him. Big plus for the industry! I will try the other Miflex caps based on your comments here. I have only tried the KPCUs based on Jeff’s suggestion.