Wilson not delivering speakers as scheduled

Anyone else having a difficult time getting their Wilson speakers delivered as scheduled?  I ordered a new pair of Wilson’s in March and was told I would have them by September.  It’s mid November and speakers are still not delivered nor likely to arrive soon.  Anyone ordering speakers from Wilson, take note, add 3-6 months to whatever you are told!
i think we all know that in high end audio there are two prominent business models for equipment makers

dealers, and direct sales

those using the former, traditional model should/would rely on dealers to the customer interface, as most customer service (installation, demos, returns etc etc) are provided to the customer by the dealer - wilson belongs in this category if i am not mistaken

then there are some modern and/or smaller companies trying to cut the dealer (and their percentage) out of the chain (some well known ones, schiit, buchardt, nuprime, mojo, denafrips and so on) -- in that case, the company bears the burden/obligation to interface directly with the customer (or to leave them under-served in order to pass a along substantial cost saving, as the case may be...)

of course, for some high ticket companies with a traditional dealer network, the owner/maker may still reach out to some customers directly, as an added nice touch, but that can be a plus or a minus (and often may in fact not be welcome by the dealer, if the dealer has a lot invested and a lucrative history working with and pleasing the customer)