I’m simply trying to figure out where the problem is here. The used market and the grey market undoubtedly detract from dealers’ sales, but that’s simply an escalation of a market long available to buyers. (I don’t mean to underestimate that; of course the internet has dramatically enlarged that market.)
Over the last couple years I’ve had long talks with three highly-regarded, multi-decade brick-and-mortar store owners. All said that it’s a much harder business than it was twenty+ years ago, and all were resigned to selling HT stuff. Interestingly, none of them mentioned tire-kickers or internet sales. They talk about the changing values of their customers, saying that younger people these days (under 40) simply aren’t as interested in two-channel systems as they used to be. As far as the mid- to hi-end market, I wonder if that’s really the problem that dealers are facing.