...Harpo taught me early to love the harp, esp. in the hands of great.
Ought to sound great thru those fire bottles, but pity you don't have omnis'....;)
Live music you have attended that left impact....perhaps better than you expected.
...a small thing in Houston, 5 concert harpists for 'an evening of Jazz 'n Harps.... ...Harpo taught me early to love the harp, esp. in the hands of great. https://youtu.be/Ysbeni4-DAk Ought to sound great thru those fire bottles, but pity you don't have omnis'....;) |
For the ss crowd... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KigLXLJMZJk ...and if you just want a nice, basic,pre-classical eve with 'some modern enhancement'.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRg_8NNPTD8 (...love to see that group walk into a Walmart...) ...or just dust the subs....and the walls.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRg_8NNPTD8 |
Bonnie Raitt, Sweet Forgiveness Tour. Late 70's. Final show of the tour and Bonnie and the band were red hot. She really strutted her stuff, showed she was much better than I'd ever realized. At the end, her dad came out and sang "Oklahoma" ! Richard Thompson. . .early 90's. I thought I'd seen some great guitar playing. . . but man, with just a strat and a black face Deluxe, he blew the roof off the place. . . and we had seats about five rows from the stge. SRV. Same time period, also in Portland Me. Another incredible display of "guit-artistry". At that point, he was coming from a very spiritual place and this was reflected in his playing. Pure bliss ! Les McCann. I'd never heard him so I was unprepared. Worked the room like a preacher. Incredibly soulful performer. Dave Holland Quintet, Yoshi's, Oakland, CA. some time in the 90's... I'd already seen them twice, but this gig was special. A real shame they didn't record that performance. They were all on fire. Freddie King, 1974. UCR gym. The most intense blues performance I've seen, and I've seen B.B., O. Rush, Son Seals, Albert Collins, Buddie Guy, Phillip Walker, SRV That guy was intensity, incarnate. That vibrato! Los Lobos-- Bowdoin College Gym, "Will the Wolf Survive?" tour. I'd heard the single on the radio but had no idea how great they were. |
Rush on the Moving Pictures tour in Hollywood Florida. Actually got tear gassed lol!! Ozzy's first solo tour with Randy and a very young Def Leppard! Randy died shortly after. Still one of the best I've ever seen!! Pink Floyd at Tampa Stadium was amazing! Van Halen on the Women and Children first tour!ind blowing!! Chris Botti a couple of times. Unbelievably great band and the sound was perfect! Steven Wilson a few years ago! Another great band fill of elite players!! I hear Porcupine Tree is touring next year! Hope they tour the States!! |
@asvjerry -- I had a proper ticket to that Joni Mitchell/CSN+Y concert at the Greek. Famously, that's where Joni met Graham. I had disliked CSN prior to the concert and I went to it specifically for Joni. I was impressed enough by CSN's acoustic set to become a fan. Then Neil Young showed up. Then they plugged in... Yeah, my fandom took a decided hit, but that didn't keep me from buying their record from a guy selling 'em on the path that led to the parking lot. |